At first I thought this was going to be another of those incomprehensible over-complicated police dramas, complete with implausible plot twists. A whodunnit and why?
But then the quirkiness of it all took over. The eccentric house, the unorthodox burial for Harry. Alice’s roller-coaster emotions, going from the furious and comical exchanges with insensitive bureaucrats to scenes of deep grieving. Nobody is completely likeable, not even Alice, who tends to use people, or her snooty parents, or rather ‘common’ in-laws. It appears Harry may have been far from saintly too. That is typical of humanity, no -one is perfect. But in the end there was some sort of resolution of all the differences.
I enjoyed the performances of this star-studded cast (and new ones in the ascendency) and the fine production standards.
I thought the final episode was rather weak and disappointing, Alice’s troubles haven’t gone away, if anything, they have got bigger. It appears this denouement is intentional, to presage a second series. Rather naughty of ITV, the programme ought to have continued to its conclusion without a break.