As much as I enjoyed watching this series, it was just too unrealistic. The craziest part to me was her just burning and leaving all that money behind yet is so determined that she will survive? She is pregnant, alone, sleeping in the cold, barely had any food to eat or drinking water but managed to swim back to the plane and back, walked through the forest and back how many times. How does she have so much energy? Also Why would she leave the watch behind? Aside from the countless flashbacks, there didn’t seem to be much of a psychological effect for someone who is literally lost almost in the middle of nowhere alone and watched two people die after a plane crash. The bear scene is where I started to lose hope for this series. Like the way she so easily went back to shore seconds after the bear left and didn’t seemed the least bit terrified by the bear coming back. Oh and I won’t even get into the cave part, that’s was just laughable.