I like that it was a good wrap up of everything so far, but for some reason this just felt like the farthest thing from a proper MCU movie since the first Hulk film, I dont know if its just because its all way too happy any cathartic but it just has way too many good things meant to soften the loss of great actors from the franchise and because of that it kinda feels like a consolation prize compared to what it could have been. In short, good wrap up of the series but falls so short of what the MCU has brought to the table in the past and in some ways just feels like a total cashgrab rolled into one gigantic after credits scene that is really just there to explain why people like RDJ arent going to be in future movies. I would also like to add that the emotion was almost a little too much, I have teared up during other MCU films but in endgame it just feels way too emotional, as if all the characters have deadpools power of knowing that they're just characters and for some reason try to act upon that to insight every emotion youve felt for the entire MCU storyline and it just doesnt even come close to working for me.