No. For once they had the time, money, and the actual author to make this an authentic, true to canon adaptation. They changed and rushed through some important, plot and character building scenes and interactions, and spent too long on non-important ones.
It's the character building that I'm missing most of all. You knew these people, demi-gods, satyrs, etc... I just....expected so much more now that we had the budget, time, Rick himself, and so far some great casting choices and some not.
I truly hope this gets back to the books a lot more than it has been. Some of us fans have been waiting for over 15 years for this dream to come true. I told my hubby way back in the day that if they did this on Netflix or any platform and spent the time to make it EXACTLY like the books, it would go down in history as the first to do so and be off the charts amazing. Bigger than Harry Potter since it would have stayed canon. Disney did not understand the assignment.