If you’ve read the book, you were excited to see the announcement of the movie, especially with strong backing and cast. Sadly this film decided to ignore the brilliance of the book, instead the writers and producers decided they knew better.
This film is a failure, the book offered so much creative source material for the movie to borrow from, short stories of character, battle of survival. And instead it tried to answer all the questions in one film, which creates a weak, thin, and dull plot. Like the McDonald’s of zombie films, for example: it started here (NY), we got out (ship) we find the root, we notice a possible anomaly, we find a solution, the world wins. As opposed to the books focus on events (battles, escapes, ect).
I’m hopeful that someone will take one story and develop it into one film, or perhaps a tv series.
If you like it obvious, thoughtless, bland and simple this films for you, if not choose another zombie film there’s a lot of fun ones out there.