I stopped watching and won’t ever watch Seth Myers again because of his constant belittling of half of Americans (republicans) and his hatred of them and our sitting president. I fully enjoy some good political jokes and there is alway something to laugh about, but Seth doesn’t even try to make jokes, he just gives his constant uneducated, one sided, negative opinion. NBC should be ashamed that they allow such a prejudice person on their network, but then I guess it fits their agenda. One day society will look back on this time period and it will be viewed no different than the racism our country has and is fighting against. To hate someone (or half of America) based on their political views is no different than being racist towards someone because of the color of their skin. Cultural differences should be explored and embraced. It’s time our major networks open their eyes and realize when you look at a map of political affiliation it is the cultural difference of rural vs. urban. Explore why this is and quit saying it’s because people are uneducated. Blue collar workers provide a great service to this country. it’s time to understand both sides of the isle rather than bashing an entire culture of the folks that provide food and resources to make this country run. If we don’t allow racist people on major networks (which I agree with) why are we allowing prejudice people. Seth’s show needs to be taken off the air.