This movie is really horrible. The storyline was dark, the children’s voices were irritating, Ben Wishaws character is too wimpy for words. There were way too many full on up close shots of faces that were supposed to reflect some emotion but didn’t, overly loud and meaningless music - and Meryl Streep’s character was so hideous and badly played that I cringed. The only good part was watching Lin-Manuel Miranda, who is at least handsome. This movie has a very odd mix of violent animation and singing and dancing actors that is not suitable for children but totally boring for adults. No humor at all. There is nothing happy about it - stupid father mortgages the house to a bank he works for and owns shares in but doesn’t make payments on the loan or know where his shares are. Evil bank manager forces foreclosure while irritating children try to save it. Merry Christmas, anyone? Yikes!