I read this years ago and embarked on a rough road of recovery. It seemed like it was going so slowly, what drives me forward is the knowledge that what I was doing didn't work. I've realized where I am now is much different than when I started, my fears are not so paralyzing and I actually feel the need to confront them often. I'm more at ease with women as I've realized my unfounded fears are contagious; mainly I was afraid of bothering them. Now, I "bother" them and they love it! Human relationships are full of discomfort and risk but that is how we grow.
As I read this book again I am comforted by my progress and see that I have everything going in the right direction to take it all the way into romantic relationships and sex.
I think the important thing to understand is that everyone's journey is unique; mine has taken forever it seems but that's because I had to experience so much of life that I skipped, including a childhood, teenage years and actually picking a hobby and sticking with it consistently (sailing).