I didn't want to watch this movie, I pushed past it in my suggested line-up dozens of times. But when I saw that Keanu and Winona were in it, I watched it expecting a train wreck... suspecting that if it were a disaster it would be entertaining in and of itself. Instead, it is a delightful throw back to witty quick dialogue, jokes that get lost before the next one lands. These actors are great together. They manufacture non-chemistry with great chemistry... alchemy at its best. They are the only people in this the world this film creates, and they deserve each other and also deserve each other by deserving themselves. There is a sweet humanity of being irritated by everything a person does, and yet loving them for who they are. I loved it enough to rewatch immediately and catch the lines I missed the first time. It isn't sweet. It is perfect like a very dry and delicious Malbec... with a screw top lid.