Album was not that great if you gotta ask me.
1. Album rollout was terrible. For 3 preview songs, we should've gotten more than 8 new songs. I mean, she hasn't dopped an album in 4 years. Seems lazy, and 8 new songs in 4 years????. Just keep that.
2. The song previews are the ones carrying the album. The rest of the album sounds generally the same. Sonically, its the same. Nothing new.
3. Title is a bit corny, at least to me. "Radical Optimism". Well, at least she didn't put Rad Optimism instead.
Dance pop is really nice though, perfect for club or party bangers. Still, I would prefer Dua over artists like Taylor Swift, since she's all in all not boring, singing about the same thing, and cares about her fans, not in it for the fame and power.