So I'm not going to hide behind peoples 3rd point which, in actuality is their true reason to trash this film, and that was the audacity of including LGBTQ character... shock horror... run for the hills, get a priest. I feel very sorry for you entitlement. Open your minds not everyone sits in your camp of oppression and hate. I've seen 'adult', 'forced', 'inappropriate', 'confusing' for kids being mentioned. Firstly don't expect a film to be doing your job for you. If you haven't explained to your kids that there are different people in the world then that's not Disney's fault do a better job. Secondly the absolute double standards, go and watch the 4 prior films it's littered with adult themes and jokes. These films aren't just intended for kids. Don't use that as way to convey your bigoted views. Thirdly Explaining to your kids why there is a black lady with another lady as her partner isn't hard to explain. It's called love... try preaching that instead of hate. Your kids will thank you for it one day!
So rant over, I thought it was a good film and a good plot. Side characters were developed and fun and Buzz was who I expected him to be. I think it lays a good ground work for a 2nd film which I'd like to see more space in. Sox was really fun too and had some great one liners. My only complaints was that I'm such a Tim fan I really don't get why there was a need to replace him with Chris, did they really think that would pull a new audience? Bit of an odd one considering Tim's even said he would have loved to have done it. Chris's voice impersonation was good though I can't knock it but just lost a bit of it's magic as a result.
looking forward to the next one, and I really hope it has Refugees in it so we can hate on them for coming over here and taking all our jobs, that too will be hard to explain to the kids... 'mummy why don't we ever help these people? xx