Ever missed your childhood days?.It is the days where one never puts an end to imaginations.
The movie is about a kid named "Chippa".The kid's father had left him after
his wife's death."Chippa",lives with his aunt.The kid doesn't know to read or write but has holy curiosity in every little things.As a highly sensitive kid , he
gets tired of his aunt's scoldings to help her in managing the shop she is looking after.On his 10th birthday,he recieves a letter from his long gone father, which is in Urdu.
The kid being tired of living in the same place, sets out on a journey on his 10th birthday, to meet the outer world.
The kid encounters a couple of people
1.He encounters a taxi driver and wants to be a taxi man , rushing his car in the middle of the road at midnight.
2.He encounters a police man and wants to be a police man, to earn respect from people and also to help everyone.
3.He encounters a wedding band group and imagines a life where music will become his soul food.
4.He travels in a post vehicle and imagines a life where he would be happy meeting new people besides distributing posts.
5.He meets a rich man with a car who mistakes him for wanting his money.But chippa ends up helping him as he was sober with alcohol.
6.He happen to notice a group of childworkers working for a boss and cries out to them with curiosity to help them with their works.
7.He atlast,ends up meeting a newspaper man who happens to know , Urdu.He gives him the letter , the man with emotions after reading it asks him to be with him.The man
and his wife didn't have a kid but his wife scolds the man to have brought the kid to their house.Chippa who happened to hear them speak from a distance , draws a beautiful picture
of the man and his wife together and leaves the house.
8.Chippa ends up in his home after getting beaten up by a group of people who mistook him as a theif.
Chippa's father has sent the letter saying,that, a man's greater treasure is "love" and he also says him that Chippa had to look
around for a father , as he was bad on his duty of being a father.
Throughout his intellectual journey of one day in the streets of Kolkata,"Chippa" has learned that , he is always going to be a sunshine to
the people around him , no matter what and also the streets had made him a philosopher.
This movie also brings out the truth that most of Indian kids like "Chippa" are forced to run away from home at an younger age."Chippa" throughout
his oneday journey sees the people whom he or other kids like him would become in the future."Chippa", understands that the world is
always going to be a harder place for kids like him but he also learns that some work with smile while others show their long face.
Chippa's encounter with the taxi driver , the police man and also the newspaper man proves him that ,happy are those people who
works to help other's instead of themselves and his encounter with the rest of the people , made him to philosophize what he learnt from
the happy workers.The kid even without knowing what was written in the letter , has been searching for a father in the vast city of Kolkata.
Few people took him in but atlast they left him with his aunt.
"Chippa " might be any ordinary kid whom one might encounter in the streets.Some has high hopes like Chippa, hoping to
bring smile on people's faces.The answer is left with the viewers, "Would you take Chippa in, if you happen to encounter him?"