Full of lost potential! *summary at the end*
Lots of useless detail and annoying “trying to be woke” content. I cannot stress enough how many useless details this movie had. Why did it matter that Brianna’s dad committed suicide? Why did he commit suicide? It didn’t do much for her character or the story. I feel like they only made her brother gay so they could find a way for the story of Cabrini-green to be told. He just told the story and was barely in the movie after and his acting was horrible. What happened to the girl who was in the stall while the other girls got murdered in the school bathroom? Why did William feel such a connection to candyman when it’s terrifying? Why should Brianna tell everyone? Why when Brianna summoned candyman, everyone died but her? AND SO MUCH MORE!
I’m not white, I’m Indian, so I could look past the “racist to white people” humour, as that’s everywhere nowadays. But, it did end up getting annoying and the use of racism in the movie ended up making no sense. Like why does candyman just kill completely random people who summon him if the original story started because of an interracial affair in the 1800s? Why would candyman want to kill Williams sister and her friend when they were so young? There’s 0 sense of justice and no genuine action or care toward the racism? Almost just makes it seem like the blacks are so hateful that this happened to them and then just kill anyone who summons candyman? Like wtf is that, makes no sense. If you want to be woke, do it right, this was like written by a self-hating highschool white girl who is trying to prove whatever she has going on in her head. I also read somewhere else that they did not do justice to the actual Cabrini-green either by telling the truth about the area and its development. If you’ll make up a story, why not make up a location too?? I really don’t get it.
To summarize the plot of the movie, the main character, Anthony, is an artist with a rich art gallery gf named Brianna and they start to discover the history of the Cabrini-green projects. He gets super into the history and finds out about this entity called Candyman that kills whoever summons it. He learns more about it from a man who witnessed Candyman decades before. Throughout the movie, a bunch of not important people summon Candyman and die. Brianna is concerned as Anthony’s behaviour gets weirder and weirder and it’s because of the whole candyman bs. She looks for answers and the man who witnessed candyman takes her and tries to make her the next witness and make Anthony into the next candyman entity. Brianna gets away and kills the man and Anthony dies when the police arrive and shoot him. Then Brianna summons candyman and Anthony comes back as him and the officers and she’s told to tell everyone about it.