The Batman is a gripping, gorgeous, and, at times, genuinely scary psychological crime thriller that gives Bruce Wayne the grounded detective story he deserves. Writer/director Matt Reeves, and the actors (Pattinson, Collin Farrell, Paul Dano, Jeffrery Wright, and Andy Serkis) managed to make a Batman movie that’s entirely different from the others in the live-action canon, yet surprisingly loyal to Gotham lore as a whole. Ultimately, it’s one that thoroughly earns its place in this iconic character’s legacy.
Loved this movie. The directing, thrilling plot, action sequences, and acting were all on point. Initially I thought the 3 hour runtime was too much for a new movie (especially considering the bad box office performances for DC movies and the DC and HBO Max dilemma). But I was thoroughly entertained. Well worth the paying extra for early fan first experience (watched it on 03/01). A+