What a disappointment. I bought this movie because of its fanatical reviews and because I used to be really into foreign movies. This ruined them forever. It starts off with a young boy named Ashitaka being exiled from his small village in Japan for harming a monster sacred to the forest which gives him superpowers, but makes his arm purple. He goes and finds a man who tells him to find a deer god to cure his arm purple-ness. On the way Ashitaka meets this warrior queen who wants to destroy the forest to make factories... like literally every other humans vs. nature film ever. Then he meets this girl named San, who I only knew her name was San after reading a synopsis because everyone in the movie calls her something different. There was like, a 2 hour long fight scene, in which San's wolf-mom's head falls off but then just walks around normally like nothing's wrong for a while. The movie ends with Ashitaka and San in a field. Ashitaka has a magical deer thing now. He tells her he needs to go home. San says something like "i'll visit you ok byeee" and... that's it. Of course this is all off memory, so there's not much detail because this movie is so unmemorable. Save yourself the time and watch something with meaning instead of a lame "rEsPecT teH ENVIRONMENTS pEeoPle." As for the animation, it's mostly not good not bad, but some figures were absolutely disgusting and gorey. The worst thing about this is probably the laziness of the animators as I constantly found recycled animation, slow frame rate, and terrible lipsyncing, even in the original Japanese. Worst waste of two hours ever.