Player 2 doesnt even get to play. Whats the point in being there if you get absolutely no screen time. Some levels, player 2 cant even walk around in player 1's game. For a game for kids, its a lonely adventure. Other nintendo games get this concept just right, like yoshi's crafted world, or yoshi's wooly world. Being a kid is all about learning how to make friends, respect each other, and explore. How can you do this in a game where your only option is follow player one? The game looks great, has some funny captures, even the controls feel good, but everything is just so zoomed in, especially for a game about exploration, it feels pretty limited and linear, even as player one. Not to sound ancient and decrepit, but back in my day, kids games actually commited to exploration, imagination, and fun. The lego games are a fantastic example, especially the lego star wars games! There are TONS of fun secrets easter eggs, and meaningful unlockables. There is also lots of replayability, as players can go back to levels with new characters to explore previously unreachable locations. Why are games getting more and more limited in scope like Kirby's forgotten land? I am well aware that kirby games are meant for kids, but thats exactly my point. Try harder nintendo. I KNOW you can make good games. Theres no family in forgotten land, and thats literally nintendo's entire branding: putting family in gaming. So cmon, put some family in your games.