If you love America and want to preserve it's historical independence and greatness in the world, you will want to read this little book that says it all. I have been listening to Devin Nunes since 2015 and believe he is as genuine as they come in DC; and from California, yet. This Congressman has been an eyewitness to a major change in America and American politics in Washington. He represents a party that has been asleep at the wheel since Ronald Reagan of the 80's. Neither of the Bush presidents noticed what was coming. The Clinton's and especially Obama simply charmed the American Public to sleep while those bent on creating the "new" American society, have been working tirelessly to undermine the principles that have made America great and decent, although not perfect. I would urge you and everyone you know to read this little book which reveals what has been going on in our universities, giant corporations, churches, and the halls of Congress. The American spirit can rise again, but only when we wake up, take the time to know what is happening to our towns, cities, states, schools and even churches.America needs to wake up and GET INFORMED about what's happened since the loss of real journalism and an inquiring media. They both have left the stage.