The movie was okay. It wasn't the best, and it wasn't the worst. But the reviews and the movie poster were very misleading. It had a few red herrings but all of them made sense. And when the reveal happened I was shocked but not in a good way. I like using reasoning skills to figure out who it is, and you only meet the characters in the beginning for a few seconds. So you really can't say one way or another who it is just based off of what the film wants to show you. The movie came off as more of a parody movie yet with the gore and quite a bit of deaths. Some were nonsensical. Just done to strike fear into the other people or to distract.
I was glad I watched the film but not because I enjoyed it but cause that was the first movie I've seen in theaters since before covid. So it's been a long time and the experience was overall good. Movie not so good. And they left it off without a real resolution like there could be a sequel... this movie doesn't need a sequel.
Oh and the acting was super cheesy, not sure if it was done on purpose or what. The acting was like watching a Netfilx film. It was CHEESY. The weird part is the balance. The actors sucked at acting in the beginning but when it came time to be scared or to be convincing they did it. And it worked. (Spoilers warning 1)
And the way the criminal worked was misleading knowing about tech and all. The deaths were gruesome, the only things I didn't get is why after the reveal it didn't sit right for them to not only be the villian but in a way to help the main character out. I mean if they could've killed main character really fast but didn't. The main character is also pretty stupid but it was understandable in a way that they didn't (spoilers warning 2 REAL BIG SPOILERS)
Want to take the villian's life to end up a killer. But yeah the ending was super stupid and I hated it. The ending could've been different and it wasn't all that surprising or satisfying. It would've been awesome to either have them actually die or two have the firefighter holding the axe to be the villian and then he finishes the job or he gets caught cause she suspects him still being alive. Either way it was a stupid film. Kinda okay. And yet the ending made it even less attractive. It was like "Ugh." But the reason why he killed everyone was kinda stupid. Until the reveal that I'll leave out. It was an okay reason just a stupid one cause this movie was trying to not be about family or being thankful it was about greed or TRIED to seem like it was about greed but in actuality it was about a weird sense of justice and being goresome. The film itself made the villain scarier than they were I mean they're still super awful no denying that, but I don't think the villian really wanted to kill the main character cause he kept failing. The movie was gruesome sooo gruesome for a joke movie. It was so good in the beginning but it lost the momentum amd purpose as it went on. The first kill super scary and some people thought it was funny which it kinda was. But the other ones were kinda ... just like why are we seeing this other than to give us a chance to guess who it is. I did like that the cat wasn't killed though. That made me so relieved. I'm a huge cat lover and I know famously people will use animal deaths as comedy or even as a way to not have any witnesses.
Anyways, watch the movie or don't. I wouldn't watch it again or the sequel. But overall not terrible just kinda stupid and not in a Ha Ha kinda way. Just stupid, stupid.