Spoiler free Review:
I would give Dark Phoenix a score of 7/10
I don't normally write reviews but I truly think critics are overly critical of this movie. I went in expecting the worse due to a plethora of negative reviews and walked out pleasantly surprised at how much I actually LIKED this movie. I think because people are coming in from the hype of Avengers ending the put alot of emphasis on it wrapping up similar to that cinematic universe. Dark Phoenix is much better than Apocalypse and it does have some plot holes
In my opinion Sophie Turner did a great job in her leading this film. Acting wise I do feel the rest of the cast did their job. I thought the action in this and the CGI effects were great (I saw it in 3D and found it to be worth it).
Spoiler included review:
Going into the movie knowing Mystique would die did cushion the death scene quite alot. It would have had more of an impact if the studio hadn't let that information out so openly before the release.
The plot hole of the Phoenix Force coming out in Apocalypse and Jean fully receiving its power in this movie didn't add up. In my opinion this could have been solved with more exposition on the Phoenix Force itself. This I feel could have easily been fixed with a scene/ plot writing of Jean discovering she had been connected/ drawn to it's power since she was a little girl and that is the reason she is special.They also don't really delve into why The Phoenix Force just suddenly appeared during a random space mission.
The moral dilemma that was faced between Professor X & Jean Grey I thought was adequate. Jean's emotional and power struggling journey throughout the movie I thought was played out well and enjoyed watching her come into her own by the end.