It’s weird at the end was she mastermind of the whole movie ? Or did she figure out how to over power his thoughts so he wouldn’t know and somehow she got ahold of the suit which his bro was killed wearing that’s so weird bc if was her exes suit then didn’t see her leave bathroom to go get it if both bros had an invisible man suit ! So police confiscated apparently the invisible suit on the bro Tom where did second suit come into the play lines of the movie which is in her bag in the end plus was used to slice her exe throat with ? Made no damn sense to not see her leave bathroom or how she got the invisible suit just so weird and he says that it wasn’t him who had done everything so apparently the bros had to be living to use the suit so she knew they had to die instead making new suit for themselves but then didn’t even show if she broke into evidence to get the suit like still wondering where it come from and how when she destroyed it and then also the cop James mentioned towards the end that the exe gf had ruined the suit Cecile ruined it hmmm so didn’t come from evidence locker at cops station neither !