This was a perfect story for a documentary, but the focus was completely off. Some details:
- They only found the real name of the guy with a random message to the group, which they never really explained how they received the tip
- They never explain how the suspect uncovered the identity of Baudi, or her potential security issues. Also, John is apparently not threatened at all, even though it seems he was far more involved?!
- Never explain the second pair of hands on the python
- The number one problem, bar none: I think it’s highly commendable (if not borderline obsessive) that a group of internet professionals worked so hard to find the guy. I like that citizens don’t let things like that go. the end, is it not obvious all their work did nothing? They didn’t stop any murder, they didn’t tip anyone off to a murder. The suitcase was found because of a foul smell, the killers identity was found in the garbage alongside the body. The security footage told police all they needed to know to make him a suspect. Then, they figured out his ticket to Paris (not the internet group, although they apparently felt they figured it out due to “Casablanca”‘s opening scene) and through sheer luck he was caught in Berlin. So while the whole documentary is based on good natured citizens doing their part to track and help the police...literally nothing they did actually helped catch the killer. Even if you agree the police didn’t respond quick enough to their pleas, there was no way anyone could’ve stopped him one knew where he was.
Essentially, the rogue internet stars did all they could behind their keyboards, but without the crime, all they had was a name. That was given to them.