*Some spoilers* Honestly, the movie was overall enjoyable to watch. Love the theme, humor, etc. I suppose the only reason I’m taking off a star is because of how the story kind of plays out in which I was kind of left confused on why Barry had not shown realistic—at least in my opinion—portrayal of emotions that must have plagued him directly in the film for viewers to understand his perspective (and past experiences) well. I believe that much of the effect caused by his loss—which hasn’t got much screen time—was integral to the “who” the flash truly is; his identity. I mean the title of the title is “The Flash,” amiright? This movie like needs a colon after its title. Ex. ‘The Flash: Solution!’ Ha, besides that, why is no one talking about who the killed his mother and why there was no anger or curiosity towards the culprit who harmed her in the first place when he was younger? Couldn’t have he just stopped the culprit instead? Disappointed that Reverse Flash didn’t show up or even got a lot least a hint on his uncertain upcoming arrival. Why didn’t he show at least his consideration of the possibility? Also, if his father has an alibi now, then I guess the next big thing would be Barry? Cause loike, MEH? I give up. -3-
I’ve taken a look of some of the reviews with lower ratings, and I understand on how irrelevant some scenes felt such as the fighting in the beginning or Batman’s/Supergirl’s involvement, plus the complications with the story plot containing not so much of a concise main villain nor a good battle fight duration, but I think a person who has already watched this should come to appreciate the intentions that were made considering it’s major contrast to other films DC put out that I find mostly comedic. I had no high expectations for this movie, but I think my doubt in its storyline has become rewarding enough to benefit me to just appreciate bottom line in the end. Sure improvements can be done, but I think we all can concur that no movie can be perfect, yes? Yes, could’ve done more with things everybody is saying about CGI, character development, immersiveness, blah, blah, but this film was satisfactory in terms of the message they were getting at which stands alone to be meaningfully adequate. I liked that I kind of got to find deeper meanings such as my favorite moment when Barry stabbed himself. Poetic Yesyes. If you haven’t watched the movie yet and you’re reading this, you’re missing out on some lessons we tend to forget in life! Probably one of the most decent, likeable movies I’ve watched from DC lol.