Trepang2 is a Visceral Ballet of Bullets and Blood.
Thank You, Trepang Studios.
I love your game.
I feel blessed to not only have the opportunity to follow the development of this game for so long, but also be involved in creating content to market and advertise it.
The game play is over the top.
Non stop carnage and violence, the level of detail in not only the visual side, but sound design is just spot on.
At the time of writing this I have 130 hours in the full game.
I often find myself replaying a save point to just enjoy a firefight again and again and again.
If your after a fast paced, very gory & violent game with in your face combat then Trepang2 will do it for you.
Then there is the Soundtrack, the music in this game goes harder than your Nanna at Church on a Sunday!
Brandon McKagan has an amazing talent for music.
I started following the development of this game back in 2018, I was blown away with how the game play felt.
I had not come cross any game that just scratched the itch the F.E.A.R. from 2005 have left me with.
Yet their little demo on IndieDB certainly did it for me.
Close quarters, fast paced melee combat that just flowed smoothly.
I made a short video in 2018 and a little while later Wilson contacted me and ask if he could use the video and that cemented my love affair with this game and developer.
Since 2018 the developer would send me builds of how the game was progressing.
In 2019 I was slipped a few more test builds and the direction and design had come so far from the 2018 build.
Then late in 2019 the first demo landed on Steam and their Fan Base began to grow.
In Feb 2022 I was gifted the full game and have watched the ongoing development of this game to where it is now.
For a small Indie Development Team, this game makes most AAA titles look weak.
If I didn't own this game, I would buy buy it!