A+ for a great work of art on a factual subject, Alzheimer's. The guy who wrote this, lived it - I say with special appreciation, having (like so many) accompanied as housemat and caretaker my mother who passed away last December at age 100. Unlike the form of the infirmity depicted in this film, my mother's delusions were always, invariably, also informed by a great coping skill and a special charm she had had in her character all of her life. "Mom, why did you roll that chair into the room here?" "So the old man could sit down." Brief summary by me of how hypnagogic imagery can superimpose upon a space and cause false impression, and then I follow up by saying, "I'm an old man, mom, so I'll sit down in the chair," and I do so. "You made reality out of my dream," my mom says. Obviously, her condition was a gentler form of going into that good night than the one the movie so brilliantly speaks of. It's a marvelous work. I loved it.