I had not watched Grey's Anatomy since 2007. However, I tuned into Grey's Anatomy last week and was jolted by the quality of show and appreciative of the encompassing public service of providing a glimpse into the struggles faced by medical personnel, patients, and families in facing Covid-19. The emotions provoked are raw, numbing, depressing, sad, frustrating, horrifying...and yet ultimatley there is comfort in its humanity. A storyline that recognizes with dignity and equality everyone who has suffered from the Covid-19 virus. Grey's Anatomy is now empowered to unite spirituality with science toward the worthy common cause of staying vigilent in preservation of life and wellness and not rush too quickly toward a false and deadly normal. May we truly cherish one another and unite with love to find that peaceful spot on the beach as we remember our own dear souls that have passed beyond and find peace, hope, and healing. Blessings to ABC and its cast, crew, and creative talents who showed our vulnerabilities and yearnings. BRAVO!