Through costly personal experience I learned that pornographic stuff like this is degrading.
Absolute Love/Friendship -- and lust, have nothing in common with each other at all. I wouldn't touch this book with a barge pole.
If I ate something bad I could vomit it back and be well again afterwards, but what we take into our minds, stays there. As another comment here reflects.
Pornography is addictive; usually in pictures (sometimes in print); it's often abusive; can destroy relationships, splits families because in reality we are not sex objects but real human beings. I was never "into it" but was damaged by it. I'm fine now.
The person I know who was obsessed by it, lost everything that was worth anything.
I'm not giving a lecture; or judging, just adding a comment.
"So what." you might say, because freedom is the thing these days; but experience is a whole difference ball game. "I'm free to choose my own way." most people say, but as the saying goes: "With absolute freedom comes absolute responsibility." (Responsibility as in outcome / result-wise I mean.)
INexperience can't give damage estimation first. This book is old hat. You've either read it or you haven't. I'll never be reading it.