I found this documentary to be riveting.
Firstly, I want to say thank you to the people involved in this; for the people coming out of this group being brave enough to tell their stories and share their experiences, and presenting this horror in a way that is both beautiful and tragic.
But I am also compelled to say: this documentary is a PERSONAL documentary, filmed by one of the people in NXIVM. Maybe you love it, maybe you don't: but look - it's a person's own story. How they express and tell that story is their decision. I don't understand how people complain about HOW someone tells their own story. It is THEIRS to tell. This is why so many people never come out about being raped, or victimized, or abused in the home; because others judge and criticize and measure how and what they are saying.
Well done brave and honest Mark Vicente, and beautiful and intuitive Bonnie Piesse; fabulous and hilarious Sarah Edmondson, stalwart and fierce Nippy Ames and Catherine Oxenberg - who is a beautiful example of a determined, loving, fierce mother. I feel so blessed to have seen your strength and witnessed these parts of your lives. Your bravery instills bravery in others - I pray your lives are forever blessed for your openness, candor, and beautiful hearts.