I was hoping to really like RoP but Amazon has failed epically!
I obviously know more about the setting than the writers and creators as they are obviously making it up as they go along.
Yet another memorable name stolen solely for the recognition factor. if you're going to use an existing setting stick to that setting, don't rape the content for your own gain.
Galadriel is over several thousand years old, is it the writing, directing and or acting to blame for her lack of gravitas and general petulant demeanour.
I don't want to care about the race of the cast, but if you're going to have colour blind casting and call out everyone complaining as racist (even those that make valid points.) Don't just have one token black elf! when you have a sea of white faces with a smattering of colour you have no right to virtue signal with those that were expecting a different style of casting. no doubt many arguments were made by racists but when you dismiss all criticism as racist your casting choices (countless white elven faces) become suspect.