As its now Free-to-play here is what to expect.
1. Smurf accounts: since Overwatch was originally pay to play. less smurf accounts are made. now users can make multiple accounts to troll, smurf, or just because.
2. DC/ Quitting. In affect of smurf accounts. i haven't had a game where where we played as a team both on opposing or on my team because everyone just leaves. Now it might be the fact cause of the servers, but even then Overwatch 1 never figured out this problem.
3. Paying for skins. Now this is'nt really a big issue and now I know the reason why they made it f2p is because they can put in a battlepass and not feel bad about users paying for it, when naturally you earned tokens while playing the game in the first overwatch.
4. 5v5. Also not a big issue, unless you had a 6 stack from past overwatch games. Now you have to leave someone out, but I guess screw that person lol.
5. Missing Skins. Thankfully hasn't happened to me, at least I haven't noticed, but some of the skins are missing from the first overwatch. ESPECIALLY MY FLORIDA MERCY SKIN.