Hands down without a doubt the GREATEST war depiction captured in a show. Yes it has the action and expertly crafted battle scenes. More importantly though, was how they captured the utter human experience being put in a war zone, and not just any, but the massively hellish Pacific Theatre of War. The mental toll the marines and all others involved, go through, can deeply scar someone in unfathomable ways. The topic of PTSD is dealt with in a really powerful way. I don’t care how tough you think you are, this show is a real tear jerker. Not only a military show but also in many ways a full on historically accurate drama/horror/ and even some romance, all in one. It doesn’t glamorize war for as a great veteran once said, the best and only way to depict war is to touch on its unbridled marriage to pain, brutality, despair, disgustingness, etc. if you are on episode 4 thinking “eh I don’t know if it’s for me”.. just wait, it’s about to blast off. Literally based on firsthand accounts from the marines, this is an impeccable price on the horrors of war, and does it even better than Band of Brothers in many ways (in my opinion) . I am so glad I decided to finally give The Pacific a try, and you will be too.. EVEN if war genre is not your thing. Just like I think the new All Quiet on the Western Front may be the best war depiction as a movie, this one takes the cake as far as shows go. It will make you appreciate the sacrifices that so many people made during WW2, and any war for that matter. Incredible. 10/10 all day.