It's hard to leave all my bias at the door going in, but I think I'm at least aware of them. I'm aware that I am alarmed by climate change and hold that position strongly, I catch myself with a little confirmation bias when I read what I like and find it easy to dismiss what doesn't suit. I also find it hard to objectively critique much of the content as a lot of it is new and much of it reads like book 6 of the Wheel Of Time (could be edited in half). Michael likes energy dense fuel sources and I like information dense writing. With those caveats out of the way, my opinion is that the book is generally good - it calls out alarmism/misrepresentation of science which does indeed harm us all. I catch him out with a few misrepresentations of his own though and this casts a shadow of doubt on the rest of the content. Further, I sense a very western world view in his writing, specifically that development via neoliberal capitalism is the only viable option. That system seems to have created many of the problems he discusses. But of course it's easier to criticise than create and thats largely what you get in this book. To end rant, I find the book thought provoking, albeit slightly disingenuous - largely through omission. What I really wanted was a bias free completely objective discussion, but I guess I'm just a dreamer.