This is the kind of book you put down and then daydream about until you pick it up again. I was like an addict, doing everything I could just to get to my next fix of this story!
I finished it in 2 days. I stayed up late until my legs were so stiff that I had no choice but to put it down.
It is very well-written, leaving you wondering at each chapter (and throughout) what will happen next. There was mystery, unexpected twists and turns, and a passionate love. There were brilliantly crafted historical truths woven in, such as historical places, events, hardness of soldiers involved in such a war, the complex, heart-wrenching nature of the war from both sides.
Even the epilogue made me giddy, like a little school girl who just heard a piece of gossip. This book FAR exceeded my expectations! I will be reading more from Ms McGee. I may order all of her books- to my husband's dismay.