Sonic Frontiers is one of a kind game. It feels nice to have a really fun platforming game with a serious story. I highly recommend this game to both long time and casual fans. This is also a decent entree game for the series, though it does reference a lot of the old games.
Sonic's move set is a lot of fun to mess around with, especially when you unlock every single skill. Doing different combos to see how fast you can defeat an enemy, performing tricks after launching yourself off of the terrain with boost, completing cyberspace levels as fast as possible, it's all really fun. The Boss Fights are actually insane and are one of the best fights in the entire series. Each one has a unique vocal song and you use what you learn from the island to beat them. They all have a theme.
Cyberspace is definitely a weak part of the game but it's still fun, the levels at the start are very weak but once you get to the second or third island they pick up in quality. Like really, they go from reusing level layouts to being full on original, throwing in new mechanics like drifting and skateboarding segments. My favorite cyberspace levels are definitely the ones from the final island.
Story Wise (No Spoilers) is good. There's a lot of mystery and it's really fun to explore and try piecing everything together. Sage is a very interesting character, Sonic is no longer one dimensional and has his practices and morals challenged, and believe it or not, this game has character development for the entire cast! I won't lie there were parts of the story that felt like they were doing damage control for the past 10 years, but they managed to make it work for the story. There are no longer 2 planets, there is no longer a classic and modern time line, and humans exist outside of just Robotnik. This game is better experienced blind.
This game definitely is receiving some harsh ratings from critics outside of steam, which is as expected but you should go in and make your own opinion, and if you like it please leave a review. It is important for this franchise to receive as much positive feedback as possible since it is gaming's punching bag, but also be honest. This is one of my new favorite games in the franchise.