(No spoilers of game bellow)
I love this game.
I've played "survival" games before as in Minecraft and Ark but if you play the long dark it's hard to call those survival games.
I have been into computer programming quite a bit and have been into indie games from small companies. The Long Dark is a very immersive game which to me makes me feel like the character would feel emotionally. When I'm starving and it's a blizzard it makes you feel on the inside like there is no hope and it's literally game over. Some would say this might be a bad thing but I love it. The graphics are very clever in looking realistic without having to do all the work. The story mode is nice in a good balance between survival and story but the story in general could use some work. The story can seem like your not really working towards something epic or some ultimate ending you just feel like your doing what you need to do to survive which isn't bad but you don't get the same feeling in the end. Over all I think this is a great realistic survival game and if you like a game that feels a little quiet but realistic this is the game for you.