This movie lobotomizes the characters and poorly tries to put a new spin on a tried and proven framework. If you enjoy Scooby-Doo because of any of the cartoons from the original Scooby Doo, Where Are You? through Mystery Inc., this will come off as cringey, poorly written, and disappointing. Holds no candle to any of the previous Scooby movies. The only redeemable portion is that the character designs are traditional (although that in itself is confusing considering Zombie Island had aged them and changed their costumes) and the animation isn't terrible. The tone is more similar to the cartoons than the other movies, maybe even a little lighter, but that is fine if done correctly with a good script and story (which this doesn't have). The dialogue and character interactions are where it goes horribly off the deep end. To put this in a frame of reference, at the beginning, the gang has sworn off mysteries and blatantly denies obvious clues even when zombies are blatantly around them. To make it worse, they recall the events of the first movie, and then deny the existence of zombies. It doesn't improve much as the plot takes a small twist. Maybe your kids will be able to enjoy it, but it'll be difficult to enjoy it with them or enjoy any whiff of nostalgia.