How can people say a movie is good simply because it has a lot of action within it? If you sat in the theatre following the movie wondering how any of this made sense, you aren’t alone. Not once did any of the three movies make a connection to the other, besides Snoke who made a quick exit, and throwing Palpatine in the mix at the very final episode of the three was very much noticed. The film felt forced and It was very noticeable that it relied heavily on the action versus the story; a big bet that paid off thanks to society’s view on movies these days. It is clearly apparent that to have a highly rated movie in the sci-fi genre in the 2010’s, it needs more action than common sense. This single handedly ruined the one movie I held close since childhood. JJ Abrams proves once more that he needs action and CGI above story to make good reviews. For those who appreciate real cinematic art, we have been left in the dust to those who just need a big explosion or two with some fighting to be happy. This was the conclusion to a saga that had 6 good episodes before tanking.