An adult animated show, written by and for the LGBT community! It's wonderfully hilarious and sardonic, but in the way you can tell the community is poking fun at itself. It is definitely worth giving a shot, sure it's not gonna be everyone's cup of tea, but it wasn't created to be.
Responses to some common complaints:
It's not for kids: It's rated TV-MA, if your child is watching it that's on the parents. This show is NOT available on Netflix Kids, anyone saying otherwise is lying. Even without the gratuitous nudity, the content of the show is not for children. Kids were never the target audience, they make cartoons for adults too.
It's not diverse enough: It's had one season and exhibited more diversity in that time than other (widely celebrated) shows in their entire series. Should they be fortunate enough to carry on I definitely hope to see even more of our community represented.
It's not a realistic story line: What animated show is? It's hyper homosexualized because in every other story we are buried and relinquished to maybe a sassy sidekick role (a la Ray Gillette from Archer). It's nice to see this flipped with the one heterosexual on the team.
I don't get all the refences or jokes: This show is so deeply steeped in gay culture, it's almost too easy to not get everything. Which is gonna make the re-watch even more exciting.
It's too stereotypical: It's a 30 minute cartoon, it's not like we have a lot of time to dig deep into the characters profiles and still manage to push a story line through. The format is structured for these personality archetypes, which makes for easy jokes and jabs and hopefully, some character development over future seasons.
Q-Force is definitely quality queer content and I'm really looking forward to more!