I am retired Army (34 yrs). Recently, my wife and I became fans of this show. Yesterday we saw an episode involving a woman and her son who went to a neighbor's home to raise money for a worthy cause. Subsequently, two dogs came from the back yard of the home, through the fence, and attacked, mauling the mother. Thank GOD the child was able to get back to the car. But the mother was almost killed by two (2) husky's. The judge found in favor of the homeowner and the attacking dogs. The judge claimed that from a (1) bite law, the victim couldn't sue the defendant. I found this judgement to be extremely unnerving! That mother and her son could have been anybody; a mail man, or another neighbor needing help, or just a child needing help. Those dogs were off-leash. And I hate to think that the homeowner let those dogs out of the fence. I was not there. But that kind of incident is too dangerous to people! Bottom line, a dog is a wild animal! UNPREDICTABLE! I've known cases where a child's own dog mauled that child to death! If policeman, or anyone, came to their door those animals would have attacked! I can [almost] understand one bite. But the one-bite rule doesn't mean biting and individual to death or almost to death. If this is the intention of that law, the judge has an opportunity to rectify the outcome. It was devastating to see that homeowner laughing after the verdict. What is a human life really worth in these times?