Darksiders 3 builds on a story and a franchise I have played and enjoyed for over a decade, the setting is so hauntingly beautiful and the atmosphere nothing like anything i have seen in a game before. The details and colours on the different creature models are made to such perfection and really sets the series apart.
The voice overs are amazing, and also suitable and draws you into the story keeping your interest piqued.
Apart from the amazing and complicated storyline that constantly keeps you guessing, the third installment comes with a combat system that rewards responsiveness and quick reflexes, punishes you if you die, but fairly so. Doesn't promote farming, although some will always find ways to farm and grind..
I enjoyed the experience both in gameplay and story and found myself playing through the game first in apocalyptic mode then to return to it after playing the other 2 installments to finish it on armageddon mode. I hope they will make a sequel on the next gen console to match this one, and improve it even more, this studio has put in a lot of effort and passion into the game and it shows. I hope they keep on making great games like this.