This is quite possibly the perfect zombie movie. It's everything the Kingdom series did right, packed into two hours of amazing action, compelling characters, and super scary zombies. The protagonist is a handsome, hardcore badass, with a delightful development arc. The antagonist is a scheming, devious maniac who just won't stay dead. And the zombies. Oh my gods, the zombies. Look, I've watched a lot of zombie flicks, and I've decided that between Kingdom, Train to Busan, and Rampant, South Korea just knows how to make zombies RIGHT. They are creepy, gross, and scary, from the beginning to the end. They are a constant, legitimate threat to everyone in the film, and you never know when they might show up, and who might turn. And watching the heroes slaughter their way through the hordes is incredibly cathartic. Grab some popcorn and a fellow zombie nut, and watch this movie, right now.