Sinister starts off intriguing however falls apart as the film goes on. Initially it creates an unnerving and tense atmosphere as we witness gruesome murder tapes conducted by a unknown killer, a mystery Ethan Hawke's character attempts solve in order to revive his dwindling career as a true crime author. This premise fizzles out as we are treated to typical horror tropes such as jump-scares, spooky kids etc. and a cast of characters that fail to captivate any sort of interest due to their poor acting and writing. In fairness it's ending took a turn that I didn't expect, but it's execution comes off as very cheesy, with the final scene of the movie very much reinforcing this.
Overall sinister's concept had tons of potential, however it ends up being another bland by the books horror movie that is very forgettable. I can't understand how this is one of the "scariest moves of all time".