Need some respect for this movie. A former world heavyweight champ and Harry Potter's best friend for one . There's another scene where Batista proves he's invisible. Like them being some group theory could have been great but them actually telling the TRUTH thats something else. I'd like to see the proof of their visions and message board but I'd be asking for too much . I think it was really how they made me feel , like I believed in them before Ron Weasley was sacrificed . The nurturing actress , believed her more than Batista , he beat John Cena for the WWE championship some years ago but she was the champ of this film . I think maybe the ending was different maybe there was more time needed to be added to the movie . I didn't care for the guys who had to sacrifice one they had serious issues themselves with the relationship and another was commication , was is like a make dominance thing? I just thought they were like you know together? But regardless why didn't they talk about what is going on when sacrifices were made? I think it can be like Eric was having like a rage in the cabin and only adrew was there along with Wen . That's why I give it 5 cause it makes me get like this .