I was in my early twenties living in the UK when ‘That Trial’ commenced and I really did not know much at all about OJ but remember clearly that even here it seemed that not a day went by when it didn’t make the TV news. And until watching this superb documentary I really didn’t know how much of a big deal OJ was first as an athlete and later such a huge star. One of the things I found the most fascinating in this film is how it explores OJ against the world in which he grew up, an America still grappling with the issue of race and how OJ viewed himself, I certainly get the impression that he didn’t consider his skin colour as of much significance, that he counted character and talent as of greater importance. It seems that quite a few of his peers in the black community maybe thought that he had ‘sold out’ to corporate white America. By the end of this very very long documentary film I personally come away believing he had morphed into a monster but I would highly recommend it, it is so much more than just a documentary of a fallen sports star.