For some reason, I kept watching this series, hoping for a "change"...hoping for something suspenseful to happen. Some of the worst acting I've ever seen in a series. Sam Trammell as the serial killer is okay at best and Aden Young, so good in "Rectify" conveys the same tepid emotion the entire series showing little range. No redeemable characters to route for. Trammel's son, and two of Young's children, are so annoying they're hard to watch...sad thing is tat they're not necessarily meant to be annoying. only Millie Alcock who plays young's middle child, is again, just okay. Young, who plays the detective searching for the killer, has a partner who is no better than your average High School performer. Both spouses are bad, the killer's father and step-mother, are equally horrible. Young's female captain has one "deer in the headlight look" only. The casting director should've been fired, for so many miscast actors. Bad sophmoric writing and a muddled story-line. I have two more episodes to go, and I don't know if I can make it. When there is no character you care about, whether or not they live or die, you know the writes and director has failed.