Not close to Scorcese's best work. Unfortunately movie needed to be made over 20 yrs earlier. At close to 80 both too old to possibly make this movie. The attempt to go back using same actors in scenes that took place 30-40 yrs earlier. In Godfather Brandon didn't play young Vito Corleone. Like they were good in Heat but Rigtheous Kill not so good. Frankly Mr. D been calling in his roles last 20 yrs. Jack Nicholson was a better Hoffa especially looks and mannerisms. Dont get me wrong Robert D and Pacino 2 incredible actors. Scorcese has done incredible work. I will revisit Irishman again. Just not on level as Godfather 1 and 2 .. Casino.. Goodfellas.. Scent of a Woman.. Raging Bull. Deer Hunter, Taxi Driver... etc or what I consider a 'classsic' be it a cult movie like Once a Time in America or Pope of Greenich Village