I have played Elite since 2016 and it was addicting for quite some time. However, over the past 6-12 months, the support for Elite has gone downhill. Bug reporting stopped and changed to a "voting" system for bugs and searching for them became nearly impossible. Then, they got rid of the Galnet content that hollowed out the feel of the game. They introduced the Guardians and the Thargoids with promises of an ongoing storyline and then it just ... stopped. They introduced community goals as a way to have player driven, organic interactions, but then stopped CGs. They introduced Powerplay as a way to also drive player interactions, but then just left it as an exploitable mess. All of this leads to players that have played for some time realizing that there is not a cohesive vision, or maybe that is all there is, a vision. There is definitely a failure to polish things up and fix things implemented already. Finally, they do nothing about griefers/gankers and that pretty much ruined open for some. It got to the point that you could not even fly into Jameson without getting attacked, which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. It just kills the game. Why would a system requiring a permit to enter allow gankers to kill/attack pilots at will? I last logged in back in May and not sure if I will log in again. There is so much potential for the game, but there really is a feeling that they just will not carry through on delivering that potential.