I was so excited and pumped up for GT7, i had even preordered it last year. What a fool i was taken for. This game is a huge disservice and stab in the back for any long time GT fan, or any fan of racing games in general. This game looks fantastic and plays well, no faults there. But sadly that is about the only positive. Micro transactions and always online connectivity, plus the latest update significantly reduces reward payouts at the end of races or events. Thus pushing for players to pay for micro transactions.
This is downright unacceptable and disgusting honestly. I say this as a long time fan of the series, starting with GT1 on the PS1 and playing every main entry since. Please do not get lured into buying this money trap of a game. This game is nothing but a big stab in the back to us all. I really do hope that all these issues are resolved, but until then... just forget about this garbage.