I waited for the game to go on sale before trying it out. Recent reviews suggested the game is, at the very least, playable. Unfortunately for me, that proved to be untrue. The main issue is that the game crashes every half hour or so, which means it's basically impossible to make any progress. But even if it weren't crashing, problems with a confusing UI and buggy/inconsistent mechanics makes playing the game feel like having your teeth pulled. And you'd think that cars in the future would be sleek, easy to maneuver and fast, but not in this future. Apparently they were able to upgrade everything except cars. Reminds me of driving my grandma's Cadillac, which was more boat than car. I'd get alerts while driving down the road, except I had no idea what these alerts were for. There would be groups of people standing around as though I was supposed to do something (kill them? Help them? I don't know) I'd try to talk to someone, only for the cursor to not appear. At one point I tried driving in one direction and I was magically teleported and told not to go that direction, which is really, really dumb. Like, c'mon. At least GTA added road barriers and closed down bridges, and that was 20 years ago.
Even the overall aesthetics, while gorgeous at first, end up feeling cluttered and make navigating the world that much harder. Speaking of which, I wasn't able to find much besides fast travel locations (which weren't useable) and kiosks to sell items, which would be great if I could actually get to the point where I had items to sell. The world itself felt a lot like the world of gta3--empty, lifeless, repetitive--so again, it's a shame that the game is only able to be as good as a 20 year old game in that regard. Besides the main quest, I had a number of active side quests, but most were labeled as being too difficult, and I'm not even sure how I ended up with the side quests in the first place. The hacking mechanic is confusing, but does show some promise, and I liked the BD/virtual reality thing where you have to rewind/fast forward recorded video as a kind of investigative tool, but I think that's the only part of the game that was even semi-fun.
I'm genuinely surprised there are people who are able to enjoy this game, but I've even more shocked that a studio like CDred would ever release such a terrible game to the public. I think I'll go back to replaying witcher 3.