I’ve played every COD since it came out. This is the worst iteration and it wasn’t ready to be released at all. Everything about this game is bad but the biggest thing is that it is horribly inconsistent in the way it plays. I’m on a very high end PC, great connection. Multiple parts of the game don’t even work like the messages. I get killed by random bullets, watch the replay and a person is sniping me with a pistol or SMG. Another time I get killed by a persons bullets while they are placing a claymore. Watch the clip, they kill me with their gun and then place the claymore. I’ve never had so many games in the .5 K/D range until this version. Unlocking guns is terrible, maps are terrible. People jumping and killing you with pistols, OP shotguns killing at medium range. There is just nothing enjoyable about this, every time I play I feel like I wasted time and I’m in a bad mood. I think I’m pretty much done with COD and would rather spend my time doing something useful.