"Satyaprem ki Katha" takes viewers on a trip down memory lane to the heyday of Bollywood film, when sincerity and simplicity rule supreme. This lovely rom-com is a breath of fresh air, bringing back the grace and charm of old-fashioned movies with its calming feelings and engrossing plot.
This movie's main purpose is to educate us what true love is all about. Sex is only one aspect of love. It's something lot more pure, and that's what the movie ultimately shows.
This movie has a lot more positive qualities since it demonstrates how women should speak out against assaults. In India, the number of incidents is increasing, but they are not being reported since most women are afraid to register a complaint.
Also in the movie, Kartik and his family effectively demonstrated how one should respond in a circumstance like this and how to help the victim. Really, that's fantastic in every way. Congratulations to the writer and director.
Overall, everyone did a fantastic job acting, especially Kartik and Kiara.